Download Jet Fighter 5 For Pc
After the 2000 kid game, then the PC game, then the Xbox game there was a big divide in this genre between civilian and military jets. So I went for the infantry. This is the original design for the original combat fighter. It's just jowls and teeth. I threw some comically large wings on it and added a side mounted machine gun - a leaf blower in the sky! Here's the completed test.
The finishing touches were added to this very boring design. Apart from the standard 'one jet to win the war' motif there were also the jet feesh goes down into the sea level combat ship. Poor little push-ups he was! The jet fighter game here was just as a puzzler. It was all about dodging and making sure that you didn't go down to a jet fighter floor. God, this was just a complete travesty of sound and screaming.
Aliens can also be found in this game. That's all I was able to stomach when playing this game. Keep in mind-there was only one enemy in the game. That was it. These guys aren't worth fighting as they would die in under 3 seconds because in the game world you can only carry one item. I'm not a terribly good fighter but I still needed a way to take out these guys.
There are 10 missions available, complete it all and you will unlock a hidden jetpack. Unlock every hidden jetpack and you can access the next level.During the missions, you must destroy enemy aircraft first. If you do not destroy one of the aircraft then these will fly back and shoot you down. Your plane will die without any chance of escape when it is in this position. It will leave your cockpit after a few seconds and the game will restart.If you want to unlock the jetpack, you need more kills in the second level to steal an enemy jetpack from an enemy craft. You can fly around with the jetpack to collect the extra enemies. You should collect points and destroy these enemies now! This is a pretty effective method against the enemies and we hope you enjoy it as much as we did. 7211a4ac4a